Tuesday, November 2, 2010

35 weeks

We have officially reached the point where the girls can be born and they may not even need any time in the NICU! This is very exciting. And, Jess is very, very ready for them to be born. I measured her yesterday and she was at 52 weeks pregnant. She is having a very difficult time getting around, the acid reflux is pretty much 24/7, and there are other details that I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me writing about on the web. Point is--she done!

We've also been hard at work trying to get Sophia (baby A) to turn upside down. At our 32 week ultrasound appointment we got the news that she is breech and that her sister, Alice, (baby B) is transverse (laying sideways). Our midwives will only do a vaginal twin delivery if Baby A is vertex (head down). So, we are trying a 3-pronged approach. First, we are talking to Sophia, trying to tell her how much more wonderful a natural birth will be for mama Jess and herself. Second, Jess has been laying upside down on an ironing board propped up on the couch (see pics). The idea is that it will dislodge Sophia's butt from the bottom of the uterus and give her the space to turn if she wants (after all, her sister is constantly weighing on her when Jess is right side up). Third, we've been going to a chiropractor that does the "webster method." Basically this involves working with the round ligaments that hold up the uterus and doing other minor adjustments to loosen up the uterus so that Baby A can move if she so desires. Jess loves the chiro and does feel better all over, so this has had major advantages even if Sophia doesn't flip.

We find out if all our efforts pay off on Monday, November 8th (36 week ultrasound). If not, that means we are scheduling the c-section for week 39.

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