Monday, November 22, 2010

They're Here!

Alice Inez and Sophia Louise were born at 10:43 a.m. and 10:44 a.m., respectively, on November 6, 2010. Here is their birth story:

On Friday, November 5th Jessica had a routine midwives appointment. At that appointment her blood pressure was very high and she was "dumping proteins" in her urine so preeclampsia was diagnosed. She had also gained almost 20 lbs in the last two weeks, clearly from water retention as she was very, very puffy all over. The midwives ordered blood work to see how bad things were and sent us home. I started to get worried as I went home and read more, so I went to Meijer and got an automatic blood pressure cuff to check her blood pressure at home. It was 165/94. I called the midwives again and they told us to head to the hospital. We got to Mercy St. Vincent hospital around 4:00 p.m. Once admitted, Jessica and the babies were monitored for hours. Dr. Jackson (the doctor that works for the midwives) and the hospital staff decided to keep her overnight because her blood pressure was still very high. A nighttime blood draw revealed her platelets were dropping fast, so it was decided very early Saturday morning that a c-section would be performed at 10:30 a.m. This is a picture of us getting ready for surgery.

Jessica was prepped in the operating room and then I was brought back. It was very upsetting to see her strapped down to the table and drugged. Plus, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Obviously she could, but since the spinal block was administered so high, her chest was numb so she couldn't feel herself breathe. Things happened quickly and Baby A (right) was brought out at 10:43 a.m. Baby B (left) followed at 10:44. Sophia was always labeled Baby A in the womb, and Alice Baby B; however, Baby B became Baby A upon delivery because she was brought out of Jess's uterus first! I was able to go over to the warming tables and see and touch each of them immediately. Both were so small!! Alice was 5 lbs and 18 3/4 inches long. Sophia was 6 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. We were very worried that they would need time in the NICU, but they ended up scoring 8/9 on their apgar tests so they could be cleaned up and handed over to us immediately! I went back to sit by Jess as they were putting her back together. She started to feel very sick to her stomach because when they touch the stomach and bowels, it causes severe nausea. So, when they handed me Alice (now Baby A) and I said, "Honey, look it's Alice!" Jess turned her head and vomited. :-) Eventually the nausea passed and both babies were placed on top of Jess and everyone was rolled out to the recovery room.

Everyone in the operating and recovery rooms said "congrats moms!" to both of us (very welcoming hospital) and both babies got to breastfeed within 30 minutes of being born. Jess's brother, mother, and my parents visited after surgery. (Alice is on left, Sophia on right in the picture)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

35 weeks

We have officially reached the point where the girls can be born and they may not even need any time in the NICU! This is very exciting. And, Jess is very, very ready for them to be born. I measured her yesterday and she was at 52 weeks pregnant. She is having a very difficult time getting around, the acid reflux is pretty much 24/7, and there are other details that I'm pretty sure she doesn't want me writing about on the web. Point is--she done!

We've also been hard at work trying to get Sophia (baby A) to turn upside down. At our 32 week ultrasound appointment we got the news that she is breech and that her sister, Alice, (baby B) is transverse (laying sideways). Our midwives will only do a vaginal twin delivery if Baby A is vertex (head down). So, we are trying a 3-pronged approach. First, we are talking to Sophia, trying to tell her how much more wonderful a natural birth will be for mama Jess and herself. Second, Jess has been laying upside down on an ironing board propped up on the couch (see pics). The idea is that it will dislodge Sophia's butt from the bottom of the uterus and give her the space to turn if she wants (after all, her sister is constantly weighing on her when Jess is right side up). Third, we've been going to a chiropractor that does the "webster method." Basically this involves working with the round ligaments that hold up the uterus and doing other minor adjustments to loosen up the uterus so that Baby A can move if she so desires. Jess loves the chiro and does feel better all over, so this has had major advantages even if Sophia doesn't flip.

We find out if all our efforts pay off on Monday, November 8th (36 week ultrasound). If not, that means we are scheduling the c-section for week 39.