And weigh they do! Sophia (baby A) weighs 1 pound 8 oz., and Alice (baby B) weights 1 pound 10 oz. This is the average weight for 25 week old fetuses so the girls are still measuring a little big! Yeah! The tech said that the difference in their weights is nothing to be concerned with; it is completely normal at this point.
All their organs are so much bigger! Before at the ultrasounds, the tech would point to a tiny little circle and then label it "bladder." Now, all the organs, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. are much more noticable. We know that their little lungs are also developing now because we got to see Sophia have the hiccups! Very cute! It is amazing, but they are actually "breathing" the amniotic fluid, helping the branches of their lungs develop. This week, and this development, actually mark the point of (possible) viability. If the girls were born today, it may be possible for them to survive outside the womb with significant help and intervention. Luckily, however, they have a lot more time to grow and develop inside of their mommy Jess.
We also got to see Alice yawn. So adorable! As you can see from the pictures, they are getting some fat on them and looking more and more like cute, little babies.