Tuesday, June 15, 2010

15 week ultrasound

We had our 15-week ultrasound today and both Baby A (aka Herb, aka Baby Left, aka Popper, aka Skeletor) and Baby B (aka Peaches, aka Baby Right, aka Bun Bun, aka Pumpkinhead) are doing fantastic! Both weigh exactly 4 oz each and are about the same length. They are actually a little "ahead of schedule"--Jess is 15 weeks 3 days today, but Baby B is measuring 15w5days and Baby A is measuring 15w4days. Accoring to babycenter.com they should weight about 2.5 oz each. So, they're already fast growers!

We don't yet know the sexes because the ultrasound tech didn't want to say--she says it is too early. However, neither Jess nor I saw any penises in there. We know, we're not ultrasound techs, but.....

We got to see their fingers and toes, measured their leg bones, saw their spines (such a cool shot), stomachs, kidneys, and even all four chambers of their tiny beating hearts! Amazing!

In this picture Popper has his/her butt in Bun Bun's face. Nice. Last time Popper was kicking and punching Bun Bun, :-)

The 3D/4D imaging is cool, but also makes them look like little alien babies (or Skeletor from the He-Man cartoon). Check out the resemblence!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Week 15

Jess can now regularly feel the babies move and kick. It is so very cool and I can't wait to be able to feel them through her belly. They pretty consistenly will respond if pushed on, :-) We can't wait for the ultrasound on Tuesday!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 14

We heard both babies heartbeats on the doppler at the midwives' on Wednesday! Baby Right has a faster heartbeat than Baby Left, but they are both in a completely normal range. Jess is "measuring" 20 weeks (meaning the top of her uterus is about at her bellybutton) which also indicates that they are growing just fine! We have a professional ultrasound scheduled for June 15th (which will be week 15). There is a chance that we may be able to see one or both of their sexes at this visit. If not, we'll have to wait for the ultrasound that will happen at week 20.